The Primary Healthcare Services Program (PHSP) works to contributes ensures access to quality primary healthcare services with human rights and gender-sensitive integrated services in Tanzania, particularly sexual reproductive health and rights, HIV/AIDS, TB and Maralia. The program works to ensure that women, adolescent girls and key vulnerable groups adopts positive health seeking behaviors for improved quality life and increases their access to essential health related needs include medical, nutritional and psychosocial support for women, adolescent girls and key vulnerable groups.
The human Rights and Governance Program (HRGP) works to advance women and girls human rights including addressing harmful gender norms that are barriers to primary healthcare services and sustainable social-economic development for women, adolescent girls and key vulnerable groups. The program advocates for human rights of women, adolescent girls and vulnerable groups and activism against gender-based violence, women and girl’s economic injustice and meaningfully engagement of women, adolescent girls and key vulnerable groups in governance and decision-making process in Tanzania.
The Social-Economic Development Program (SEDP) works to contributes improve household’s income of vulnerable women and other key vulnerable groups including school dropout, single mothers, internally displaced women, persons living with HIV and persons living with disabilities through advocating for improved agricultural and business policies and environment that promote their meaningfully engagement and supporting establishment, running and strengthening micro-projects, sustainable agriculture and micro credit operations to enable them became self- reliant in their communities.